
Take Control of your Schedule – Don’t Let Your Work Overwork You

Does this sound familiar? You get into work early with the intention to start to fire off some emails before heading into your first meeting. You grab a coffee and before you start, your colleague comes over to talk to you about their weekend, and then your assistant walks in to have you approve some […]

Identifying Energy Vampires and How to Avoid their Toxicity

Have you ever finished a day at work, absolutely exhausted but puzzled as to why? Your workload hasn’t changed drastically, and your routine has been consistent. You suddenly realize your tiredness was a result of you dealing with your co-worker, who droned on and on about how everything is wrong. Sometimes the most energy-consuming part […]

Leadership Effectiveness – Listening Beyond Just Your Ears

Did you know that on average we spend 45% of our communications time throughout a day just listening to others[1]?  Compare that to speaking at 30%, reading at 16% and writing at a mere 9%. With almost half our time engaged in listening, the same study points to the fact we actually only retain 25% […]

Goal Setting – And How To Stick With Them

At the end of every year, I send out a “Reflection Questionnaire” to my all coaching Clients to take some time to think about their past year and plan with intention for the following year. I don’t like to call them New Year’s resolutions, because let’s be honest, resolutions are often broken. Studies show that […]

Leadership or Executive Coaching in Toronto – What to look for in your coach?

Over the years, I have had leaders across Toronto approach me for leadership or executive coaching for various reasons.  The first question I start with is – what is the challenge you are trying to work through and where would you like to be at the end of our coaching session. The challenges have ranged from […]

Leadership Effectiveness — Enhance Your Strategic Foresight

Imagine you’re in a room with a team of executives and one of your product engineers has brought you an innovation they are excited about. The year is 1970 and your company makes 35mm film and your engineer is bursting at the seams to showcase to you their idea for digital cameras. The team decides without […]

Setting Clear Vision Made Personal Computing Possible

When Inc Magazine set out to profile up-and-coming entrepreneurs in their first printing, they featured Steve Jobs, who was in the process of launching Apple at the time. While companies like IBM were still working on computers for enterprises, Jobs had a vision – putting computing devices in the hands of ordinary people. 40 years […]

When One Fails, We All Fail – Using Systems Thinking as a Leader

Let’s for a moment imagine all of the major organs of the body as Directors of a company, You Corp. Each one manages a key department – Circulation, Respiratory, Digestive, Skeletal…you get the picture. You as the CEO of You Corp. have a vested interest in making sure all of these Directors work beyond their […]